The 3 Bio-Energies: What’s your Body Type?


As living beings we have physical systems that help us express our needs and desires. Working behind these physical systems are biological energies called the Tri-Doshas ( 3 energies), which effect everything in our body from the way we process thoughts to the way that we digest food.

The 3 bio-energies are present in every aspect of nature, including our own physiological systems. Ayurveda has observed and studied what it is that creates and effects human-wellbeing for over 5,000 years. Generations of Ayurvedic observation led to the conclusion that the human system is a microcosm of the macrocosm that is the Nature. In understanding this essential truth, techniques of Ayurvedic healing were developed. These healing methods center around the understanding of the Tri-Doshas, or of the biological energies, which are the generating power behind the functions of our physical systems.

When the Doshas are out of balance due to imbalanced diet or lifestyle, aggravation or depletion of the physical systems begins, leading to the accumulation of toxins and eventually to disease and illness.

Learning about the Doshas can have a positive transformation on the way that we approach our health and wellness. The Doshas help us to identify why we feel sick and how to feel better. They act as guide to the seasons, our life-cycles, daily-cycles, nutrition and everything that is related to life.

So What Exactly are the Tri-Doshas?

The Tri-Doshas are the combination of the 5 universal elements of Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Ayurveda teaches that the universe is made up of these 5 Elements and that they are the building blocks of everything, including the human system.

The Tri-Doshas are called Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Each of the 3 Doshas is composed of 2 elements. Each dosha has defining qualities and specific biological and physiological functions, which manifest as physical representations, aka our unique body types.


Composition: Air + Ether   

The energyof action, transportation and movement

Vata is the moving energy behind everything and is responsible for all internal physical communication between cells, transportation of food, movement and functions of the body, involuntary and voluntaryactions, breathing, removal of wastes, speech and pumping of the heart.



Composition: Fire+Water

The energy of transformation, conversion and digestion

Pitta is to heat of the body, or the transformational energy of the body. It helps us to form clear thoughts, to discriminate, to have clear vision, express clear speech, to digest and metabolize food, maintain body temperature and gives luster to the skin.




The energy of construction, lubrication and nourishment.

Kapha is like water, which comprises 70% of our physical system. The energy of Kapha helps us to feel grounded and calm, taste flavors of food, build tissues, lubricate joints and air passages, nourish all of the bodily systems, give strength and stamina and protect all the physical systems in the body.


The 3 energies of Vata, Pitta and Kapha are connected to physical locations in our body.

Vata’s Main Location: Abdominal cavity below the umbilicus. Colon, pelvis and pelvic organs, sighs, legs, skin, eras, brain and nervous systems and lungs.

Pitta’s Main Location:  Small intestine, lower part of stomach, Rakta Dhatu (blood) , Sweat Glans, Skin, Eyes, Liver, Spleen, Pancreas.

Kapha’s Main Location: Above the diaphragm, stomach, lungs, lymphatic, mucus membranes, peritoneal cavities, joints, mouth, brain and spinal cord ( cerebral spinal fluid).

Understanding the physical locations of the Doshas  helps us to understand how to effectively treat the source of the illness. Illness and imbalance are treated with herbs, diet lifestyle and Ayurvedic treatments that are specifically tailored to balance the associated Dosha. Bringing balance to the Doshas can effectively strengthen a weakened system. Instead of only treating the symptom of the illness or injury, Ayurveda treats the symptoms are expressions of an imbalanced Dosha. Ayurveda thus treats the Doshas and not only the disease. This prevents  symptomatic treatment and helps the body to recover more effectively and for the long-run.

The Doshas and Body Types: What’s your Body Type?

The uniqueness of our body type is based on the combination of the 3 Doshas, which are biologically set at birth. We all have varying degrees of the Doshas and it is this unique combination within our systems that manifests as our unique body types, making us all look and act a little different from one another. Understanding our unique body type is a very helpful tool in understanding how to treat illness and create harmony within our lifestyles and diets. Because we are all slightly different versions of one another, we all need slightly different health routes in terms of diet, lifestyle and medicine.

Read below to determine your body type and take the quiz. Are you Vata, Pitta, Kapha or a combination of 2, or perhaps even all 3?


Vata Body Constitution: Vata people are generally slim and slender, either short or tall with predominant bones. Their other physical characteristics are oval face, small eyes dry skin, thin hair, small joints ( may crack often ) and long fingers.

Vata Personalities: They talk a lot, walk a lot and complain a lot. They do lots of hand gestures. They attract people with their talking and expressions. They are very intuitive, imaginative and artistic. They are good at writing poems, creating art, or dancing. They are always on the go and love to travel. The Vata mind is like a busy bee, they are born worriers and often feel anxious, nervous and worried. Many times their mind is in the future, not enjoying the present moment.


Pitta Body Constitution: Pitta people are medium build and height with strong muscles. Sharpness is the main characteristic of Pitta physical expression and personality- Sharp nose, shape eyes, shape chin and a sharp tongue. They tend to have receding hairlines or get early graying or balding.

Pitta Personalities: Pitta people are good speakers. They speak to the point. They are very precise, goal seeking, orderly and tidy. Pitta people are list makers; they can’t do anything unless planned. They are always on time. Pitta mind is focused, once set on a goal, it is difficult to change. Pittas get irritable or angry quickly, especially when things don’t happen their way.


Kapha Body Constitution: Kapha people are well built, full bodied people. They have round features- Round face, round big eyes, roundish nose, long thick hair and eyelashes as well as a sweet look. Kapha body types have good endurance and a strong immunity, but the energy of Kapha does tend to cause weight gain and water retention, which causes swelling.

Kapha Personality: Kapha people are very loving and caring souls. They are great listeners and tend to speak less than the rest, which can make them appear shy at times. A bit lazy, Kapha-type personalities like to rely on the flow of others plans and are content to follow along and be more restful in life. Kapha mind tends to get heavier, many time staying in the past- day dreaming about what happened in the past. This lethargic nature can cause Kapha people to get attached quickly and have a hard time letting go.

Thomas Brodahl